Monday, March 8, 2010

A Good Person Brings Rain?

Okay, we made the shuttle drive from Tucson to Phoenix on Sunday in a driving rain that made it feel like we were heading to Portland, OR (our previous home). Then we left Phoenix this morning at oh-dark-thirty in temps that just kept the Oregon theme going. We landed in Honolulu in bright sunshine only to have it cloud over and start to sprinkle ("pineapple juice" they call it here) soon after we'd changed into shorts and made our way down to the beach. What gives with the rain? We went shopping (our version of shopping is a quick dash through the funky shops at Waikiki's International Market) where a Chinese shop clerk (she told me she was Chinese, I'm not making assumptions) advised me that I must be a "good person" because "a good person brings rain." (I also think in her world view a "good person" buys something, which I did.) So now I'm thinking I need to tap into my mean streak if I want some decent weather.
Waikiki seems to have just barely survived the economic downturn (a reported 33% drop in tourist business is inching back up month-by-month but is no where near what pre-2009 levels were). There are visible construction areas that appear to have been abandoned or maybe just postponed in hopes that Mickey and Minnie Mainlander will show up with their wallets open (and Jimmy and Judy Japanese are even more ardently anticipated). But nothing can dampen our joy at being here--not threats of rain, not faded construction tape flapping in the breeze, not getting guilt-tripped into buying stuff at the International Market. Hawaii remains our second home--even more than Oregon. And although Waikiki isn't West Maui (what is?) just being here feels so comfortable, so "old slippa," that we've promised ourselves we'll be back for a much longer visit as soon as humanly possible.

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